Born to be wavy

2 min readJun 27, 2022



Sunday, June 26th, 2022 — BOBBLEHAUS & friends joined millions of New Yorkers at the Pride march for the rights of LGBTQ+ community. With the devastating recent overturn of Roe vs. Wade, we felt “there is so much more to rally for, to fight for, to speak for together,” as Michelle Obama has encouraged.

It was a day for us to remember that love is an action, a lifelong movement, and profoundly transformative. And love belongs to all.

This year, we designed a custom Pride flag called “Born to be Wavy/生来就是弯的”. Wavy in Chinese means not-straight. It means we were born to be queer ~ As a freshly out of the closet bisexual Asian-American, it was one of the most freeing feeling waving our flag around.

BOBBLEHAUS is a fashion and editorial community by and for global youth tastemakers of Asian heritage through art, music, entertainment, and culture.

At BOBBLEHAUS, we strive to publish a mixture of casual and serious stories that uplift global youth perspectives on issues and cultural moments important to them. We believe that writing is a crucial process of learning, engaging, loving, and challenging; in this, we challenge both our contributors and readers to develop or even change their minds, rather than push absolute perspectives.

Drop by our HAUS.

